- 美国美赞臣DHA及Lasion护乳膏
- 集采类别: 妇婴用品
- 发 起 人: henrener
- 发布时间: 2010-01-18 20:20:42
- 报名截止: 2010-03-31
- 商品原价: 贵
- 集采价格: 稍便宜
- 联系方式: 报名可见
- 联 系 人: 报名可见
- 集采地点: 新龙城
- 结束时间: 2月25-3月30
我因为不吃药方孕妇维生素,现在自己吃的普通孕妇维生素没有含DHA, 所以觉得有必要另外加DHA,我选的是:
Enfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement for Pregnant & Nursing Moms
在美国,到目前为止,只有美国美赞臣公司生产的Enfamil Expecta DHA全美唯一经美国药监局、美国妇科及儿科协会检验认可的、专门供怀孕、哺乳妈妈服用的DHA产品。也是美国妇科医生及儿科唯一,并一致推荐服用的孕妇营养补充产品。
【商品规格】30粒/盒 每粒含DHA200mg
May support your baby's brain and eye development during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
DHA is especially important to your baby during pregnancy and your baby's first year. Help give him the DHA he needs, and that your diet may lack, with Expecta LIPIL:
A non-fish source of DHA, an important omega-3 fatty acid
DHA supports babies' brain and eye development*
Easy-to-swallow softgel capsules
Each capsule supplies 200 mg DHA, complementing most prenatal vitamins
Naturally mercury-free
Ask your doctor before taking any supplement
Great Investment!!
ByLil Big Momma fromMagnolia, DEon4/2/2009
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I used this product during my entire pregnancy with my now 5 year old. As early as 5 months old, we realized how alert and smart he was. He is now in the gifted child program in Kindergarten and excelling quickly. He is reading independently, writing independently, and doing math problems. I truly believe this product helped with his brain development during pregnancy. It could be a coincidence, I don't know?
Definately worth it
ByMilly fromBronx NYon3/18/2009
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I remember using this product on my first trimester and I felt so energized but soon after I stopped because I couldn't afford it, I began to use a different brand and I felt terribly weak and sleepy. I'm not sure if it has something to do with expecta having a little more or my prenatals aren't really all that great. Mind you, it was hospital prescribed...sigh.
After lots of research... I choose this
Bymommamia fromUSAon12/19/2008
High Quality
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I put a lot of time into researching Omega supplements and I have choosen to use this one while I am pregnant (hopefully, will be in a couple of months). I choose this one because the omegas (DHA) comes from non-fish sources (aka: algae). This is important because of the mercury warnings in some fish and fish products. So even if you don't choose this one be sure to choose one that either comes from non-fish sources or comes from a manufacturer that preforms "molecular distillation" on their supplements. Don't just use any fish oil tablet. Also, recommended omega dosage during pregnancy is 300mg and this only provides 200mg in one tablet so I am actually going to take 2 tablets daily when I am pregnant. It is very expensive (that is why I am using another supplement until I am actually pregnant), but worth it for the short time that you are actually pregnant. Note: this is just my opinion from the research that I have read and I am not a Dr.. So talk to your Dr. about this ... Hope this helps
Byabk25fromConcord, NCon8/10/2008
High Quality
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I used this during pregnancy and while nursing. It is suppossed to give the extra DHA/ARA needed during pregnancy, and when using it I felt so much better! I could tell a difference, when I would forget, I'd feel more tired/sluggish, and just ill! I think our bodies lack DHA when pregnant because so much goes to the baby. It just seemed like I was happier and more clear-headed when taking this! HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Our daughter is also very bright and ahead- not sure if thats due to this but its worth it to try!
2.还有这个孕妈必备-- Lansinoh羊毛脂护乳霜 2oz (国际母乳协会唯一推荐 ),代购价格是75元。购于drugstore
这个是擦妈妈乳头的。母乳的时候乳头痛、裂是普遍问题,这个很有效果,最重要的是对宝宝没有影响。我选的是Lansinoh这个牌子的,因为这家是专门做妈妈用品的,他家的乳帖(nursing pad),不知道国内专业讲法是什么,就是吸奶的,防止渗出衣服,口碑也很好。
Soothes, heals and protects sore cracked nipples
Does not need to be removed prior to breastfeeding
Patented refining process means Lansinoh HPA Lanolin is the world's purest lanolin
专利技术提取的世界顶级纯净的Lansinoh HPA羊毛脂
Contains no preservatives or additives of any kind
#1 selling nipple cream in the US
我因为不吃药方孕妇维生素,现在自己吃的普通孕妇维生素没有含DHA, 所以觉得有必要另外加DHA,我选的是:
Enfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement for Pregnant & Nursing Moms
在美国,到目前为止,只有美国美赞臣公司生产的Enfamil Expecta DHA全美唯一经美国药监局、美国妇科及儿科协会检验认可的、专门供怀孕、哺乳妈妈服用的DHA产品。也是美国妇科医生及儿科唯一,并一致推荐服用的孕妇营养补充产品。
【商品规格】30粒/盒 每粒含DHA200mg
May support your baby's brain and eye development during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
DHA is especially important to your baby during pregnancy and your baby's first year. Help give him the DHA he needs, and that your diet may lack, with Expecta LIPIL:
A non-fish source of DHA, an important omega-3 fatty acid
DHA supports babies' brain and eye development*
Easy-to-swallow softgel capsules
Each capsule supplies 200 mg DHA, complementing most prenatal vitamins
Naturally mercury-free
Ask your doctor before taking any supplement
Great Investment!!
ByLil Big Momma fromMagnolia, DEon4/2/2009
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I used this product during my entire pregnancy with my now 5 year old. As early as 5 months old, we realized how alert and smart he was. He is now in the gifted child program in Kindergarten and excelling quickly. He is reading independently, writing independently, and doing math problems. I truly believe this product helped with his brain development during pregnancy. It could be a coincidence, I don't know?
Definately worth it
ByMilly fromBronx NYon3/18/2009
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I remember using this product on my first trimester and I felt so energized but soon after I stopped because I couldn't afford it, I began to use a different brand and I felt terribly weak and sleepy. I'm not sure if it has something to do with expecta having a little more or my prenatals aren't really all that great. Mind you, it was hospital prescribed...sigh.
After lots of research... I choose this
Bymommamia fromUSAon12/19/2008
High Quality
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I put a lot of time into researching Omega supplements and I have choosen to use this one while I am pregnant (hopefully, will be in a couple of months). I choose this one because the omegas (DHA) comes from non-fish sources (aka: algae). This is important because of the mercury warnings in some fish and fish products. So even if you don't choose this one be sure to choose one that either comes from non-fish sources or comes from a manufacturer that preforms "molecular distillation" on their supplements. Don't just use any fish oil tablet. Also, recommended omega dosage during pregnancy is 300mg and this only provides 200mg in one tablet so I am actually going to take 2 tablets daily when I am pregnant. It is very expensive (that is why I am using another supplement until I am actually pregnant), but worth it for the short time that you are actually pregnant. Note: this is just my opinion from the research that I have read and I am not a Dr.. So talk to your Dr. about this ... Hope this helps
Byabk25fromConcord, NCon8/10/2008
High Quality
Bottom Line:
Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Comments aboutEnfamil Expecta Lipil DHA Supplement:
I used this during pregnancy and while nursing. It is suppossed to give the extra DHA/ARA needed during pregnancy, and when using it I felt so much better! I could tell a difference, when I would forget, I'd feel more tired/sluggish, and just ill! I think our bodies lack DHA when pregnant because so much goes to the baby. It just seemed like I was happier and more clear-headed when taking this! HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Our daughter is also very bright and ahead- not sure if thats due to this but its worth it to try!
2.还有这个孕妈必备-- Lansinoh羊毛脂护乳霜 2oz (国际母乳协会唯一推荐 ),代购价格是75元。购于drugstore
这个是擦妈妈乳头的。母乳的时候乳头痛、裂是普遍问题,这个很有效果,最重要的是对宝宝没有影响。我选的是Lansinoh这个牌子的,因为这家是专门做妈妈用品的,他家的乳帖(nursing pad),不知道国内专业讲法是什么,就是吸奶的,防止渗出衣服,口碑也很好。
Soothes, heals and protects sore cracked nipples
Does not need to be removed prior to breastfeeding
Patented refining process means Lansinoh HPA Lanolin is the world's purest lanolin
专利技术提取的世界顶级纯净的Lansinoh HPA羊毛脂
Contains no preservatives or additives of any kind
#1 selling nipple cream in the US
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