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集采类别: 医疗保健
发  起  人: 花柔玉净
发布时间: 2011-10-18 20:52:59
报名截止: 2012-01-31
商品原价: 3200
集采价格: 1200
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结束时间: 12月30号

过敏性紫癜6~14岁儿童的发病率较高,顽固性紫癜可以数月、甚至数年不愈,尤其是20~35岁之间人群,女性居多。经久不愈或者治疗不当会发展成“血尿、蛋白尿、尿毒症。西医认为是过敏体质造成的,中医认为是热毒风湿瘀兼而有之,故治宜散风利湿、凉血解毒、活血化瘀。这是中医的治疗过敏性紫癜的用药原则,北京国医馆高振阳医生运用家传师承中医古方治疗该病用药少(几百克中药)、见效块(1-2周)、不忌口(用药后1-2周随意吃)、不复发(三内年复发免费),正常吃药1-2周紫癜即逐渐褪去,4-8周1-2疗程中药即可痊愈。 因其本人搬迁之回龙观居住,本着医者救治有缘人的目的,特在本小区传授中医三分钟心理养生法以及如何预防小儿过敏性紫癜,同时治疗各种疑难杂症。讲座请提前报名.

Gao zhenyang

Male, grassroot tcm physician, born in a family with tcm culture, started tcm study from folk tcm physician li xiaodong and qiao fengxiang since he was 16-year old.

He insists on taking the principle of treatment based on syndrome differentiation in accordence with the eight principal syndromes, namely, yin and yang, exterior and interior, cold and heat, dificiency and excess. However, syndromes stays changeable, doctors should take syndrome and symptoms into account, as well as envirornmental condition, individual physician, seasonal conditions, could not be fixed with theorical law.

Clinical interests:

1. Internal medicine: rhematic arthritis, rhematoid arthritis, postpartum general pains, insomnia, ankylosing spondylitis, necrosis of femoral head, thrombocytopenic purpura, allergic purpura, systemic lupus erythmatosus (SLE), headache, gastrointestinal disorders, fever, and tuberculosis.

2. cancer: gastric carcinoma, intestinal carcinoma.

3. gynecology: irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea; leukorrhagia, yellowish and bloody discharge; ovarian cysts, vaginitis, cervical erosion, menopause, infertility.

4. others: depression, eczema, dermatosis, venereal diseases, pruritus, impotence, premature ejaculation, sub-health condition.
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